About this curriculum

At Widey Court Primary School, we understand that mathematics is far more than just a subject learned in the classroom; it's a crucial skill that influences multiple aspects of life. Therefore, our mathematics curriculum is meticulously designed to provide children with a solid grounding in various core areas such as understanding numbers, logical reasoning, and problem-solving.


At Widey Court Primary School our Maths curriculum is designed to reflect our Teaching and Learning policy through which we aim to demonstrate high expectations for all children regardless of need or barrier. We recognise that mathematics is essential in everyday life. The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to provide children with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and resilient problem solving so that they are fully prepared for the future.

Mathematics at Widey Court delivers a high-quality and consistent curriculum, from Early Years through to Year 6, that is both challenging and enjoyable. It is our intent to develop pupils who are flexible in their approaches. We want our children to make connections across mathematical ideas, throughout the curriculum, encouraging them to be independent, confident and competent mathematicians who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.

Through the delivery of the high-quality Mastery Maths curriculum from Early Years through to Y6, we will:

  • promote curiosity, enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion 
  • develop mathematical skills and knowledge and quick recall of basic facts in line with National Curriculum Mathematics Programmes of Study 
  • promote confidence and competence with numbers and the number system 
  • develop the ability to think mathematically: solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts including real-life application 
  • develop a practical understanding of how information is gathered and presented 
  • explore features of ‘shape and space’, and develop measuring skills  
  • develop personal skills such as perseverance and resilience  
  • develop both independence, co-operation, collaboration and communication skills 
  • understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life and promote mathematical thinking as a life skill. 


Mastery Maths

Widey Court have been part of the Mastery Maths programme since 2018 with the Cornwall and Devon Maths Hub (CODE). These keeps us up-to-date with our research-based approach and allows us to participate in professional development groups which includes lesson studies as part of the Teacher Research Group (TRG).

A teaching for mastery approach has been adopted at Widey Court which involves a rigorous, sequential programme that is guided by the National Curriculum. It is an inclusive and positive maths programme that moves children through the content at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress are based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage.

Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on. Our approach aims to provide all children with access to the curriculum and a ‘mastery in mathematics’ which is based on the 'Five Big Ideas'. Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery | NCETM

White Rose

At Widey Court we follow the White Rose scheme of learning, which is taught daily. White Rose Maths is an organisation that aims to work collaboratively with teachers across the country to improve mathematics teaching. Inspired and informed by robust, world-class research and global maths experts, the scheme aims to transform maths education and change the experience of maths forever. All children need a deep understanding of the mathematics that they are learning in order that future learning is built upon firm foundations and this programme provides these foundations. Teachers adapt and innovate these lessons to ensue that the needs of all the children are met.

Teaching Time

Maths is taught daily at Widey Court, with approximately an hour allocated to each lesson. Wherever possible, we limit the use of separate intervention groups, instead prioritising the development of additional pre- and post-teaching opportunities, along with additional practice as necessary, in order to both close and prevent any gaps in children’s mathematical understanding and skills.

As well their daily maths lesson, daily arithmetic sessions are delivered which target basic maths skills (including Mastering Number), multiplication facts and formal, written calculation methods, in-line with our calculation policy.

NCETM Mastering Number

In EYFS, KS1 and Year 4 and 5, we use the Mastering Number materials which have been developed by the National Centre for the Excellence in Teaching Maths. The MN materials have been designed to develop and strengthen the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts. The aim is that children gain 'automaticity' with their knowledge and understanding of number which supports their learning in other areas of maths.


Children complete White Rose end of unit summative assessments as well as termly summative assessments which are analysed thoroughly to inform future planning, allowing each child to progress. In Year 2 and 6, children complete half termly past SATS papers. These assessments, along with daily formative assessment, is also used to inform parents about the progress of their children.

In EYFS, the children are assessed through observations of their learning. We have a weekly maths objective which identifies children’s next steps and greater depth opportunities.


The impact of our maths curriculum is that we establish an environment where maths is fun, purposeful and challenging. Children build their resilience to understand that is it ‘OK’ to make mistakes, developing strategies to solve complex problems while reasoning and applying new knowledge.

Following the ‘Five Big Ideas’ from the NCETM, we consider that a mathematical skill has been mastered when:

• Children have a deep and connected understanding of the mathematics that they can apply in a range of contexts.

• Children are able to use and understand a range of representations to think about the mathematics.

• Children recognise patterns, and relationships, making connections with their understanding of the mathematics. Children will be observed actively engaged in mathematical thinking within lessons, communicating their ideas and using precise mathematical vocabulary.

• Children are able to efficiently and accurately recall key number facts and procedures.

• Through variation, children are able to recognise key features within mathematics, enabling them to reason logically and make connections.

Successful implementation of the maths curriculum will result in fluent, able and fearless pupils who leave Widey Court with a life-long love for maths.

We will miss you Mrs Wesemann! Thank you for everything you’ve done to support the Widey children, families and staff! Wishing you so much happiness in your new ventures! 💚⭐️💚⭐️
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‼️Red Nose Soya Allergy‼️ Good morning everyone! We have been made aware last night that the red noses have been made out of soya beans and we have a little girl in Oak Class who is allergic to soya. We would really appreciate your support in keeping our little friend safe today in light of this news. We will ensure today that, if red noses are brought in, we will keep them in the classroom and will wash hands / sanitise before leaving. Many thanks for your support with this! ❤️ We know we are in for a lovely day with red non-uniform day, Danceathon session in the hall and a yummy biscuit made by our wonderful Becky and the team! Raising money for a worthy cause! Thank you! 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
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FFUN Club - don’t forget the next one which is at 3.45pm-4.30pm on Tuesday 1 April!! See you there! Mrs Maiden & Mrs Dawes! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Easter Crafts! FREE parent’s workshop, 9am-11am on Monday 31 March here at Widey Court! Please let Sarah Maiden know if you can come along! 🐣
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Foundation Stage Forest School, Week 4! Wild garlic pesto! The children used wild garlic, olive oil, Parmesan, pine nuts and lemon juice to make a wild garlic pesto dip which they tried out for themselves on breadsticks!⭐️⭐️⭐️
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The children in Foundation ended their Chinese New Year topic by tasting Chinese food and enjoying their very own dragon parade around the school grounds! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 🇨🇳 🐉 🍜 🍚 Video of the parade is in the comments below⬇️
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To check your eligibility, please visit https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/free-school-meals Any questions, please see the school office 😊
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We are very lucky to have Police Officer Middleton and PCSO Welch working with every year group over the next term to talk about either online safety or road safety. Today Year 5/6 were so engaged with the e-safety assembly and we’ve all taken away some important, key information about staying safe online! Please ask your child about it tonight! ⭐️✋📲✔️
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EYFS Forest School Week 3 - Bark Rubbing! 🌲🌳 A lovely sunny day in the forest bark rubbing! 🌞 A tricky skill but they enjoyed it and did so well! ⭐️
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FREE WORKSHOP for parents and carers @ Widey ‘Managing and Understanding Anxiety’ Monday 17th March 9am-10am at Widey Court. Refreshments available. Please come along! Please contact Sarah Maiden on 07565 175721 or email smaiden@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk If you would like to book a place. One of our Education Psychologists will be helping us to understand anxiety in ourselves and in our children. 💙
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🚧 ROADWORKS 🚧 As you may have noticed, there are temporary lights at the top of Widey Lane (Fort Austin Avenue). According to the Plymouth City Council website, these roadworks are scheduled until 21/03/2025. Please ensure you leave plenty of time when dropping off or collecting your child(ren). Thank you 😊
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On World Book Day, EYFS to Year 2 were delighted to welcome our storytellers this afternoon! Here is Seahorse Class enjoying their love of reading! 📚💚
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How lucky are we? 📚📚📚 A huge thank you to Mr Bradbury, one of our parent governors, who has donated 21 books, one per class, through his work at Services Design Solution. The books are focused on the themes of engineering, science, engineering and maths! Thank you so much! Happy World Book Day 📚📚📚
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Session 2 for our EYFS forest school learning. The children had a lovely time in their costumes and pyjamas in the forest today! Mrs Dawes and Mrs Maiden hid 30 cones all painted with different colours for the children to find in the woods! Everybody worked in their pairs and there were some lovely acts of kindness shown by the children who all helped each other! Well done! We are looking forward to next week's leaf rubbing session! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Year 4 are incredibly proud to share some exciting news with you! Year 4’s wonderful Roman writing is now beautifully displayed at Crownhill Library, where members of the public can enjoy and appreciate the children’s hard work. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to feel a real sense of pride in their work and we hope you take a moment to visit the library and see the work for yourselves! Well done Year 4! Thank you Mrs Omlo for taking the time to display this work! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Year 2 Teacher - Fixed Term Vacancy! ✏️ To apply, please complete an application form, available on the Connect website https://www.connectacademytrust.co.uk/vacancies All application forms are to be emailed to gdingley@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk Please share! 💚💛
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Thank you to Mrs Maiden for organising our FFUN family party for our forces families! A great time was had by all! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Thank you to Aggies who came along and ran activities all about ‘loyalty’ and how important it is in the military and in our day to day lives!
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EYFS have enjoyed their first of six Forest School sessions in our lovely woodland area! Thank you Mrs Maiden and Mrs Dawes for leading this! The children had a fabulous morning in the sunshine! 🌞⭐️🌲We focussed on following instructions and their gross motor skills by encouraging them to balance on the logs! Our resident robin was also there but nobody spotted it…keep your eyes peeled next week children! We finished off by plying the LAVA game - we had plastic sheets in the house colours and when lava is shouted the children had to quickly reach the correct coloured sheets for safety! 🌋🌋🌋🌋Great fun!
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