Breakfast club

Our Breakfast club runs from 7:30am - 8:40am everyday, and is open to all Widey Court Primary School pupils.
The cost is £3.00 per child, per session.

(You can also book a short session from 8:20am for £1.50).

Breakfast will be served from 7:30 am until 8:20 am (if you book the short session from 8:20am, this does not include the offer of breakfast for your child).

A healthy breakfast menu will be available everyday, and the children can choose their breakfast when they arrive. Food offered will include:

  • Cereal with semi-skimmed milk (alternative milk can be available).
  • Toast – with Jam/Butter
  • Drink (milk or water)

Gluten and dairy free options can also be available.

Alternatively, your child can also bring in their own snack.


EYFS - Mrs Kempe

KS1 - Miss Wells & Miss Slade

KS2 - Mrs Brimming & Mrs Burt

Useful resources
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If you need more help, please contact us for more information.

After school club

Our After School Club operates on Monday to Friday, 3:15pm - 6:00pm, and is open to all Widey Court Primary School pupils.

Long Session 3.15pm – 6.00pm
£7.00 per child, per session

Short Session 3.15pm - 4.30pm
£4.00 per child, per session

Snacks will be offered to the children at the beginning of the session, and will be available to all children who are booked in. The snacks offered include things like:

  • Scotch pancakes
  • Waffles
  • Brioche rolls
  • Raisins
  • Fruit
  • Soreen bars
  • Mini cheddars
  • Rice cakes
  • Biscuits
  • Yoghurts
  • Cheese strings/Babybels
  • Water

Dietary options can also be available.

After School Club Emergency Phone: 07369248773

(this number is not used for Breakfast Club or for any booking enquires)


EYFS - Mrs Richman & Mrs Hardisty

Y1 - Miss Wells

Y2 - Mrs Williams

Y3/6 - Miss Williams

Y4 - Mrs Newcombe

Y5 - Mrs Lambourne

Please note

If you wish for your child to use our Breakfast and After School club facilities, please ensure that you book and pay for the sessions required in advance via Arbor.

It is important that your Arbor account is up to date and in credit to avoid going into debt.

If you need to book an After School club session on the day, please contact the school office by 2:30pm at the very latest on 01752 773909, where you can book and pay for your session over the phone.

Useful resources
No items found.

If you need more help, please contact us for more information.

Do you need something else?

If there’s something else you need to know or would like to discuss, please let us know and we’d be glad to help.

Get in touch