About this curriculum

Our curriculum is jam-packed with a wide array of practical music-making activities tailored to suit various learning styles and interests. From vocal exercises and ensemble participation to exploring different instruments and music technology, our hands-on approach aims to foster an inclusive environment where every child feels empowered to take part. Whether it's banging a drum, strumming a guitar, or experimenting with digital soundscapes, our students are encouraged to express themselves through a multitude of musical mediums.


We will explore a wide range of different musical genres, and enable children to see themselves and composers and performers, who can bring enjoyment and joy to our school, and wider community. We will develop an appreciation of music from a wide range of periods in history, as well as music from all around the world, by listening with curiosity and focus to all the diverse musical sounds and styles that we have access to.




• Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes

• Play tuned and untuned instruments musically

• Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music

• Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.


• Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression

• Improvise /compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music

• Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory

• Use and understand staff and other musical notations

• Appreciate and understand a wide range of live/ recorded music drawn from different traditions and great composers and musicians

• Develop an understanding of the history of music.


• A love of music instilled from the start through fun, engaging and practical activities with the right level of challenge and clear musical objectives and outcomes
• Focus on practical music- gaining knowledge and skills through performing, composing and active listening

• Well resourced with plenty of tuned and untuned instruments, which can be easily accessed for class music

• Specialist teaching where possible

• Music reading skills integrated into lessons

• Most music units linked to cross curricular topics (where quality links can be made)

• Singing is embedded throughout the school-  everyone sings regularly for a variety of purposes to learn new facts, consolidate knowledge, but also for fun and to bring our community together.

• Visits from professional musicians into school and trips to large scale concerts

• Participation in large scale events- both in school, with schools from across the city

• Quality curriculum provision results in large numbers of children choosing to take part in extra curricular music clubs


• Pupils are musicians. They have a sound understanding of performing together effectively, listen actively, express opinions on music heard and create their own music for a variety of purposes. Large numbers of pupils take part in extra curricular music provision.

• Pupils have a positive attitude towards music. They enjoy engaging in musical activities, challenging themselves to progress and  enjoy sharing their achievements with others.

• Music has a role in every pupil’s life. They possess the skills necessary to engage in quality making music with others and the knowledge of the building blocks of music to enable them to create and enjoy quality music.

We will miss you Mrs Wesemann! Thank you for everything you’ve done to support the Widey children, families and staff! Wishing you so much happiness in your new ventures! 💚⭐️💚⭐️
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‼️Red Nose Soya Allergy‼️ Good morning everyone! We have been made aware last night that the red noses have been made out of soya beans and we have a little girl in Oak Class who is allergic to soya. We would really appreciate your support in keeping our little friend safe today in light of this news. We will ensure today that, if red noses are brought in, we will keep them in the classroom and will wash hands / sanitise before leaving. Many thanks for your support with this! ❤️ We know we are in for a lovely day with red non-uniform day, Danceathon session in the hall and a yummy biscuit made by our wonderful Becky and the team! Raising money for a worthy cause! Thank you! 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
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FFUN Club - don’t forget the next one which is at 3.45pm-4.30pm on Tuesday 1 April!! See you there! Mrs Maiden & Mrs Dawes! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Easter Crafts! FREE parent’s workshop, 9am-11am on Monday 31 March here at Widey Court! Please let Sarah Maiden know if you can come along! 🐣
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Foundation Stage Forest School, Week 4! Wild garlic pesto! The children used wild garlic, olive oil, Parmesan, pine nuts and lemon juice to make a wild garlic pesto dip which they tried out for themselves on breadsticks!⭐️⭐️⭐️
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The children in Foundation ended their Chinese New Year topic by tasting Chinese food and enjoying their very own dragon parade around the school grounds! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 🇨🇳 🐉 🍜 🍚 Video of the parade is in the comments below⬇️
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To check your eligibility, please visit https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/free-school-meals Any questions, please see the school office 😊
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We are very lucky to have Police Officer Middleton and PCSO Welch working with every year group over the next term to talk about either online safety or road safety. Today Year 5/6 were so engaged with the e-safety assembly and we’ve all taken away some important, key information about staying safe online! Please ask your child about it tonight! ⭐️✋📲✔️
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EYFS Forest School Week 3 - Bark Rubbing! 🌲🌳 A lovely sunny day in the forest bark rubbing! 🌞 A tricky skill but they enjoyed it and did so well! ⭐️
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FREE WORKSHOP for parents and carers @ Widey ‘Managing and Understanding Anxiety’ Monday 17th March 9am-10am at Widey Court. Refreshments available. Please come along! Please contact Sarah Maiden on 07565 175721 or email smaiden@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk If you would like to book a place. One of our Education Psychologists will be helping us to understand anxiety in ourselves and in our children. 💙
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🚧 ROADWORKS 🚧 As you may have noticed, there are temporary lights at the top of Widey Lane (Fort Austin Avenue). According to the Plymouth City Council website, these roadworks are scheduled until 21/03/2025. Please ensure you leave plenty of time when dropping off or collecting your child(ren). Thank you 😊
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On World Book Day, EYFS to Year 2 were delighted to welcome our storytellers this afternoon! Here is Seahorse Class enjoying their love of reading! 📚💚
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How lucky are we? 📚📚📚 A huge thank you to Mr Bradbury, one of our parent governors, who has donated 21 books, one per class, through his work at Services Design Solution. The books are focused on the themes of engineering, science, engineering and maths! Thank you so much! Happy World Book Day 📚📚📚
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Session 2 for our EYFS forest school learning. The children had a lovely time in their costumes and pyjamas in the forest today! Mrs Dawes and Mrs Maiden hid 30 cones all painted with different colours for the children to find in the woods! Everybody worked in their pairs and there were some lovely acts of kindness shown by the children who all helped each other! Well done! We are looking forward to next week's leaf rubbing session! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Year 4 are incredibly proud to share some exciting news with you! Year 4’s wonderful Roman writing is now beautifully displayed at Crownhill Library, where members of the public can enjoy and appreciate the children’s hard work. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to feel a real sense of pride in their work and we hope you take a moment to visit the library and see the work for yourselves! Well done Year 4! Thank you Mrs Omlo for taking the time to display this work! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Year 2 Teacher - Fixed Term Vacancy! ✏️ To apply, please complete an application form, available on the Connect website https://www.connectacademytrust.co.uk/vacancies All application forms are to be emailed to gdingley@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk Please share! 💚💛
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Thank you to Mrs Maiden for organising our FFUN family party for our forces families! A great time was had by all! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Thank you to Aggies who came along and ran activities all about ‘loyalty’ and how important it is in the military and in our day to day lives!
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EYFS have enjoyed their first of six Forest School sessions in our lovely woodland area! Thank you Mrs Maiden and Mrs Dawes for leading this! The children had a fabulous morning in the sunshine! 🌞⭐️🌲We focussed on following instructions and their gross motor skills by encouraging them to balance on the logs! Our resident robin was also there but nobody spotted it…keep your eyes peeled next week children! We finished off by plying the LAVA game - we had plastic sheets in the house colours and when lava is shouted the children had to quickly reach the correct coloured sheets for safety! 🌋🌋🌋🌋Great fun!
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